What happens to the electronic waste produces in the Unites States?
Most of it isn't recycle and is sent to Asia instead, particularly to China. If done,the recycling of this kind of waste is pretty rudimentary.
What happens to e-waste when it arrives in developing cuntries?
It is premitively recycle, because what people look after that process is obtaining the valuable parts and metals that hide inside these objects, by burning them. That consiedrably pollutes the environment and expose those who carry out the activity to toxic gases, such as dioxides, as the interviewee states.
Why does so much e-waste get shipped to Asia?
Because people give an use to the e-waste there,because, as it was said before, they obtain valuable parts from those objects to sell them later in the illegal market set for this purpose. E-waste gets shipped to Asia even though there is no proper infrastructure to recieve those huge amounts of disposed objects.
What are the negative effects of dumping e-waste?
It pollutes the air by emitting toxic gases people then breath, which makes them suffer from severe respiratory deseases. E-waste burning also poisons the water that those asian communities drink.
How do the toxins in e-waste return to the United States?
In the pastic toys are made of, for example. Because the pastic used to make these toys is the same burnt from e-waste in Asia.
What can concerned citizens do about e-waste?
They can ask e-waste-producing companies to create a payback system meant for used electronic devices. Also, as customers, they could ask recycling companies to take part in this issue by processing e-waste in a less polluting way that does not affect local communities.