Saturday 8 October 2011

To Kill a Mockingbired: Opening pages

1)Who is the narrator and what, if anything, do you find out about him or her? Is the narrative written in the third or the first person?
Scout who is older than six years old, as she is remembering how did her brother, Jem, got his elbow broken. It is written in first person, as the quote "I maintain that the Ewells started it all...", states.

2)Apart from the narrator, what other characters are introduced? What do you learn about them?
Scout, Jem, Atticus, Calpurnia;
Simon Finch, Alexandra Finch, Jack Finch;
Mr. and Mrs. Radley, Arthur Radley;
Dill, Miss Rachel;
Cecil, Mrs. Henry Lefayette Dubose, Miss Stephanie Crawford, The Cunninghams.
They all leave in Maycomb County.

3)What is the setting? How is it described? What is the atmosphere like?
Maycomb County that is described as "an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it".  The atmosphere is slow, without any hurry as if the days were longer than they really were. However, there was a sort of optimistic mood as "Maycomb County had recently been toldmthat it had nothing to fear but fear itself".