Wednesday, 27 April 2011

E-Text analysis

Text C 
">>JillyB< wrote:
>>>how have the holydays been treating everyone?
>>>lots of lounging about I trust.
>>Lounging and som blowing-of-the-gift-money shopping today. And
>>I don't have to be back at work until January 5!

Geoff< wrote:
>I am doing the very same! I got a new BOOK! Off to read it!
>Jimbo, what day you wanna hang out? Tues, Wed or Thurs? Not free Fri or Sat or Sun!!!"
In the text, many features common to new technology texts are illustrated, such as the use of capital letters and exclamation marks to emphasize the message which the author is trying to communicate. Geoff wrote, through his e-mail direction: "I am doing the very same! I got a new BOOK!" As Geoff use those prosodic spellings, his exciment is graphically shown, trying to manifest the way he would say the same if he were talking with someone personally. Capital letters make a word written with those, to highlight between the others.

 The abbreviation of words, also a common characteristic of media texts, is presented through the next passage: "Tues, Wed or Thurs? Not free Fri or Sat or Sun!" These abbreviations are used in e-mails and mobile phones text messages; in this case they point to days of the week, instead of saying Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...

The use of contraction, in phonetic spelling, in our daily life is represented in the next quotes: "What day you wanna hang out?" and "I don't have to be back at work until January 5!" In the first case Geoff tries to produce the sound of the oral combination between words want and to, with the contraction "wanna". The auxiliary verb do, is missing, then grammar is not use in a proper way. In the second one, Jimbo combines words do and not, whose contraction is don't.

As a conclusion, there is a non standard way of writing trough these new media texts promoted by new technologies, due to the use of the features that characterize those: capital letters, exclamation marks, abbreviation and contraction of words. Even though, there is carelessness for the proper use of grammatical elements (such as syntax) this emerging way of writing is useful if you want to communicate a message fastly and put a bit of expression on it.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Shaina Pali dies at Berlin Zoo, two weeks after Knut

Shaina Pali
Shaina Pali, a six-year-old Indian elephant, became the second young animal dead in two weeks after the sudden death of the most famous polar bear, Knut. Then is reasonable to ask, are keepers from Berlin Zoo taking care of the animals on their charge properly? Apparently, they are not.
Elephants in captivity live up eighty years, but Shaina’s exceptionally premature death was attributed to a herpes infection. However, as African elephants were not affected by these diseases, Andreas Ochs, the Berlin Zoo veterinary, refused the possibility of them affecting the Indian ones. Unfortunately, Shaina was who had to pay this negligence.
Since 1998, Berlin Zoo has already lost two elephants due to the same herpes infection: Kiba and Kiri, his offspring. Even though, there are seven remaining elephants, Ochs states there is no possibility of another unexpected death among any of them.
A necropsy practiced to Knut showed it was suffering from encephalitis, a pathology originated by an indeterminated infection, which may relate Shaina’s death with Knut’s, even there are necessary more exams. Definitely, Berlin Zoo requires a more effective supervision from Government, to avoid these fatal circumstances.

Saturday, 9 April 2011


News Title
How safe are nuclear reactors in U.S.?

Main points:
·        United States is concerned about its nuclear reactors by the events in Japan

·        Radiation reaches highest rate yet near Japan nuclear plant.

·        Test suggests radioactive water is leaking into the sea.

·        More than 90 nuclear reactors are located in the east of U.S.

Bias detected:
·        Maria Korsnick, omitted that U.S. is the country with more nuclear reactors of the world, and a nuclear problem in US would occasion a huge disaster.

·        Maria Korsnick stated that U.S. is prepared to affront a nuclear disaster, but really we can’t affirm this, because the reaction of the people is unpredictable, so it’s just a point of view.

·        When Maria Korsnick says: “I feel very strongly we would pass regular tests”, that’s also a point of view: to be optimist.

·        The image showed in the video is also a bias.