1)What happens when one language comes into contact with another one?
The dominat language may imposed over the other, creating language change throughout pidgins and creoles; or language shift, that is occured when the language being dominated is completely replaced by the dominat one.
2) What do you understand by decolonization?
The process throughout which a culture or state being dominated by another, becomes independent. E.g.: Chile's independence from Spain in XVIII century.
3) What is said to be the painful effects of the forcible displacement of Irish (the language)?
The lost of its literature, as Irish writers are required to express themselves in English.
4) Why does writer assume that English is language of colonial subjugation?
It is the colonial subjugation language as the British empire was extended by almost the whole world, just like its culture and language were.
5)Do you agree with the claim that "The English language is nobody's apcial property"?
I do, as English was imposed to so many culturesm which were required to use it without distinction, it became automatically part of them also. Being those cultures so many, then English is nobody's special property.
6) Is the language you speak part of your identity? Why?
It is. Every culture has a certain way of speakin, which relates directly with its culture. Culture is, by definition, peoples' identity, and being language an essential part of it, then it defines who we are, individually and colectivelly.
7) What is a creolized or hybridized language?
It is a language which is mixed with another, and that is spoke by a considerable number of people.
8) What can the switch between standart and dialect create in texts and produce when you read them?
It may impact in our understanding, creating confussion mainly.
9) What do W.B. Yeats and James Joyce say about the English Language?
They both despite their vixed relation to English language, but feel their owe all their literary talent to it, as they could not write just what they wrote without feeling what English made them felt.
Thank you, Vicente
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